Diana is committed to protecting her clients privacy in accordance with the:
- Commonwealth Privacy Act (1988)
- Victorian Health Records Act (2001)
- Australian Psychological Society Code of Ethics
The personal information obtained during referral, assessment and therapy is stored securely and will not be disclosed except:
- To meet the reporting requirements for those clients referred under Medicare
- Where there is reasonable belief that there is a serious risk to the health or safety of either your or that of others life. However, in general Diana would first seek to discuss her concerns with you and develop a plan which could include the involvement of others. However, in accordance with her professionals responsibilities she may also seek the guidance of another health professional, contact the Crisis and Assessment Treatment Team (CATT) of your local Area Mental Health Service (AMHS) or, in extreme emergencies, the police.
- If you have been referred by or under a third party such as an Employee Assistance Program, Transport Accident Commission (TAC), or Workcover and Diana is obliged to provide the information they have requested.
- Where Diana has reason to suspect the possible abuse of a child she would take action with the relevant authorities.
- If your records have been subpoenaed by a court.
- Disclosure is otherwise required by law
- Your prior approval has been obtained
In order for Diana to maintain and further develop her professional competence she regularly undertakes supervision with colleagues bound by the same privacy obligations as herself. However, when raising a specific case as part of supervision personal client details are concealed wherever possible. If information discussed within a supervision may disclose a client’s identity, Diana will seek consent to discuss the case.
If you would like access the personal information Diana has gathered about you please discuss it with her. Diana may ask you to put your request in writing and will respond to such requests in accordance to the relevant Acts.
Ultimately if you wish to lodge a formal complaint about the use of, disclosure of, or access to, your personal information, you may do so with the:
- Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Telephone: 1300 363 992
Fax No.: +61 2 9284 9666
E-mail: enquiries@oaic.gov.au
Web: www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/making-a-privacy-complain or
Post: GPO Box 8218, Sydney, NSW 2001
- Health Services Commissioner
Complaints and Information
Telephone: 1300 582 113
Fax No.: (61 3) 9032 3111
E-mail: hsc@health.vic.gov.au
Web: http://docs.health.vic.gov.au/docs/doc/Complaint-form–Office-of-the-Health-Services-Commissioner
Post: Level 26, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne. 3000